Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lab 5B

 Today in Chemistry, we lernt to classify the four common chemical reaction through experiment. Lab 5 B helps gives us a better understanding of what each reactions will look like.


Reactions#1:  We use a crucible tongs to hold a 6cm copper wire on the hottest part of the flame for serveral minutes.  In the end we define it as Synthesis because Oxgen reacted during this process with copper.  Thus it together formed Copper Oxide.

Reaction#2:  We place an iron nail in a test tube filled with Copper two sulfate solution.  We waited for 15min and in the end they both reacted and changed color.  To conclude we define the reaction as single replace ment because the iron during was able to replace Copper and formed Iron Sulfate.

Reaction#3:  We put Solid Copper two Sulfate Pentahydrate in the testtube.  Than we move the test tube back and forth gently over a burner flame.  In the end we define that reaction as deomposion because the heat absorded during the reaction was able to break the bond and formed seperate Copper two sulfate and Pentahydrate.

Reaction#4:  We extend the process of reaction 3 by putting a few drops of water back into the test tube.  During this process the Solid Copper two sulfate was able to gained back its Pentahydrate.  Thus Synthesis occured.

Reaction#5:  We filled test Tube with Calcium Chloride Solution and we mixed it with Sodium Carbonate Solution.  At the end we define the reaction as Double Replacement because Calcium exchanged with Sodium to form Calcium Carbonate and this goes same for Sodium who exchanged to form Sodium Chloride.

Reaction#6:  We place a pice of mossy zinc in test tube to react with Hydrochloric acid solution.  In the end we define the reaction as Single replacement because the zinc replace hydrogen and formed zinc chloride leaving hydrogen gas alone.

Reaction#7:  We filled test tube with hydrogen peroxide solution than we add manganese four oxide. In the end we define the reaction as decompositon because both hydrogen and oxgen serparated from hydrogen peroxide.  We test the gas by placing a glowing splint into the testtube moth .

That Concludes Lab 5B.

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